Tuesday Tweaks by TaskHusky - beerrepublic.eu - Oct 2, 2018

Tuesday Tweaks by TaskHusky - beerrepublic.eu - Oct 2, 2018

For the October 2nd, 2018, edition of Tuesday Tweaks by TaskHusky we take a look at beerrepublic.eu - a Shopify eCommerce website that sells North American beers, and ales to customers in the European Union.

Their website is great ... some real solid work here. Any Shopify merchants that sell overseas - or want to sell more overseas - would benefit by using their SEO techniques.

There is some room for improvement. The home page header video feels off-the-mark, they could use some more risk reversal on their product and checkout pages, and they need to make sure that the mobile pages load faster to deliver a better mobile experience.

Watch this week's Tuesday Tweaks!


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