Turn your Shopify theme, agency, or app's out-of-scope work into profit
A partnership designed to make you, and your customers, happy

Why Partner with TaskHusky?

Working together is about relationships
Our teams can work as extensions of each other

Small projects hand-offs
Sometimes it makes more sense for you to hand smaller jobs off and focus on your core strengths. TaskHusky has the experience to make sure your customers always feel like a VIP

Large Project Subcontracting
Need extra hands on a big project? As Shopify and Shopify Plus experts, TaskHusky can help you scale up your development team to get the job done - without the headaches
We like big perks (and we cannot lie)
What you got
Priority co-marketing opportunities
Be a top contender to get featured in TaskHusky blogs, social media, and newsletters
What goes around comes around
We make a lot of app, agency, and theme recommendations & referrals - and we want you to be on our shortlist
High visibility
Get promoted at our virtual conference, Lead the Pack, and to the 2400+ merchants using our
Shopify app